College Qualified Trainers are members of the College who have the skills, experience and training talent to pass the College’s exacting application process.

We believe the standard required is superior to that required for FIDIC Certified Trainer status because the College aims to provide the world’s best, independent training.

The process has three stages:


By completing an application form and providing evidence and references.


Examination on the FIDIC Contracts 1999 and 2017 and Green Book 2021.


Presentation and Q&A for 60 minutes.


The required application forms can be downloaded below:

The minimum requirements are as follows:

  • 5 years of experience with FIDIC Contracts
  • 10 days of training on FIDIC Contracts in the last 4 years
  • Ability to train confidently in your chosen language.

At this stage, there is one CQT status, referring to all major FIDIC Contracts 1999, 2017 and 2021 but in any of the College languages, so far English, Spanish, German and French.


  • GBP 100 for the pre-qualification application.
  • If prequalified, GBP 200 to take the examination.
  • If passed, GBP 200 to perform the presentation and, if successful, to receive the CQT Certificate.

Membership of the College is free until November 2023. Membership fees thereafter will be announced nearer the time.

Evidence of training given and continuing professional development will be required every 2 years. A fee of GBP 100 will be required for renewal of CQT status.

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